
Friday, April 6, 2012

Organizing Your Refrigerator

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I'm Back again with yet another organizing and labeling post!  I am running out of rooms to attack, so I went straight to the kitchen.

My Fridge always drives me crazy, and I've seen some beautifully organized ones out in the blog sphere, and I knew I could make mine wonderful too.  I mean all the cool kids are doing it right?

Here's a little snapshot of the before.  Keep in mind, I need to go grocery shopping....  apparently running to the store everyday for groceries is working for now, but driving me batty!  I need structure here people!!

Knowing what I wanted to create inside this ice box required a few items to be purchased.  So, I ran straight to the wonderful Dollar Tree, and I suggest you do the same if you want this look!

I nabbed up $8 worth of organization magic.  They have soo many styles and colors, it's really hard to decide.  So I just grabbed two colors that I thought I would like.  You can order them online here too if you want!

Then I went home and got to work cleaning scrubbing out the fridge.  Let me tell you I am so thankful for this "spring cleaning" bug I've got.  That thing was a mess, yuck!

Once I had it all cleaned and sorted  I went through and made a list of what I had.  And you guessed it, I made LABELS!!

I printed and laminated them, and then used one of my 2" circle craft punches to cut them out!

It was like magic.  Truly I did not plan for these to be the size of this punch, but my stars aligned and gave me grace, or maybe they knew I was in a BIG rush to get these labeled before I had to pick the kids up from school?!?  who knows, but it worked.

I used my ATG adhesive to stick them on the baskets.  So far they are sticking just fine.  It is permanent, so it might last a few months in the elements.

Here she is all dressed up and organized.  Maybe I shall name my fridge.  She's just too pretty not to, right?  Ideas??

I also cleaned out the freezer drawer and did what I could to organize it as well.  I actually think it will help a TON!

No more digging in the morning to find those ice packs for lunchboxes.  Even though they are used daily, they always seem to go missing in the freezer abyss.

Well there it is.  A nice crisp, clean, and clutter free refrigerator.  Do you want to do the same?  Run out to The Dollar Tree and snag some fun totes, and then use the printable labels below, and HAVE A BLAST!!

Thank you for stopping by today.   Don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Pinterest, and you can find me on Instagram and Periscope @OneThriftyChick and on Twitter @JennJSheffler.


Come Join me weekly at the following Parties:
                Mad in Crafts
Wednesday: Gingersnap Crafts,


  1. You are putting the rest of us to shame! :) I love a clean, tidy fridge but alas mine only stays that way for a short time after I've worked on it. Great ideas for storage.

  2. Great job... Will you come organize my fridge?!?! Thanks for linking up to my party at Jillify It!


  3. Great storage ideas! You should link up to my It's a Piece O' Cake Linky Party. I'm a new follower!

  4. Very nice! I did a fridge organization post once too (, but honestly, I think I like yours better! :) The storage bins make the whole fridge so bright and cheerful.

  5. OMG!! I love it. I would love it if you linked it up my new link party.

    Can't wait to see what else you create.


  6. You did a great job- your fridge looks like its out of a magazine! Thanks so much for sharing with Bringing Beauty!

  7. Love your organization! My $tree never has cute stuff like that. Might have to keep an eye out for one next time I am out and about to pick up some cute baskets.

    If your ATG tape Joann's or Hobby Lobby you can get velcro dots that have INDUSTRIAL adhesive, work out great in my freezer. Plus if you need to change your labels it is super easy!


Living life, one thrifty adventure at a time!